Simplify Expat Management,Ensure Compliance, Protect Your Business

Centralized expat data management with automated expiry alerts, document handling, and streamlined workflows.

Proactive Compliance: Never Miss a Deadline

Automate reminders for passport, visa, insurance, and work authorization expiry. Customizable lead times ensure ample preparation.

One Platform, Global Visibility

Track expat data across multiple clients, locations, and jurisdictions. Filter and sort employees with ease for quick insights.

Reduce Risk, Protect Your Reputation

Automated tracking of document expiry aligns with industry regulations and internal policies. Minimize the potential for costly fines or operational disruptions.

Smooth Handovers, Simplified Renewals

Securely upload and store expat documents. Track renewal statuses, and facilitate seamless handover between HR personnel, legal teams, and external service providers.

How xPms Transforms Expat Management

HR Manager

Mid-sized Tech Company has been a lifesaver. Before, we were drowning in spreadsheets and sticky notes. Now, I have a clear overview of all expat deadlines and feel confident we'll never miss a renewal.

Tired of spreadsheets and manual reminders? Struggling to keep track of expat documents across locations?

A secure platform designed to streamline your expat management and protect your business.

Discover Powerful features of xpms

Our comprehensive suite of tools takes the headache out of expat administration.

Inform and Request for Payments

Automated notifications to customers about upcoming renewal fees or other payments. Ability to integrate with payment gateways for secure transactions.

Streamlines payment processes, reduces administrative overhead, improves cash flow.

Automatic Expiry Alerts

The system proactively sends reminders about upcoming expirations for visas, passports, insurance policies, medical certificates, and other crucial documents.

Prevents costly lapses, ensures compliance, eliminates the need for manual calendar tracking.

Documents In/Out

Secure central repository for storing and organizing expat-related documents (contracts, permits, forms, etc.). Version control and tracking of document changes.

Minimizes lost paperwork, simplifies document access, assists with audits or compliance checks.

CV Bank

Searchable database of expat CVs/resumes. Ability to categorize by skills, nationality, availability, etc.

Provides a talent pool when matching expats with open positions.

Dashboard with Graph Chart of Customer Status and User Activity

Visual dashboard providing real-time insights into expiring documents, upcoming renewals, active users, and other key metrics.

At-a-glance overview for managers, aids with decision-making.

Batch Update of Payment Receipts

Ability to upload and apply multiple payment receipts at once, linking them to corresponding invoices or customer accounts.

Efficient handling of payment reconciliations, reduces manual data entry errors.

Generate Invoice

Automated invoice creation with customizable templates. Potential for calculating fees based on service packages or standard rates.

Professional invoicing, speeds up the billing process.

Import Employees and Slot Details

Batch import of employee data and placement details from spreadsheets or other sources.

Saves time on manual data entry, particularly for bulk onboarding.

Telegram Bot

A Telegram Bot interface allowing users to receive expiry reminders, check document status, or interact with the system in a conversational way.

Convenient access point for users, leverages a popular messaging platform.

Role Based Security

Fine-grained permissions system assigning users specific roles (e.g., Admin, HR, Customer). Controls which data & actions each role can access.

Protects sensitive information, enforces data access policies.

Employee Recruitment Process

Workflow management for the expat recruitment process, potentially covering job posting, application tracking, interview scheduling, and onboarding tasks.

Organizes the hiring process, reduces time-to-fill, improves the candidate experience.

Generate Reports

Pre-defined and customizable reports on expat demographics, renewal trends, financial data, etc. Potential for exporting data.

Supports strategic decision-making, identifies areas for improvement.

Import Employees and Slot Details

Batch import of employee data and placement details from spreadsheets or other sources.

Saves time on manual data entry, particularly for bulk onboarding.

Customer Portal: Empowering Clients, Simplifying Interactions

Dashboard Overview

Upcoming expirations

Pending requests

Active employees

Recent payment history

Employee Profiles

Real-Time Expiry Tracking

Document Repository

Request Submission

Real-Time Status Updates

Communication Thread

Invoices and Payment History

Approve Payment Requests


24/7 Access

Reduced Administrative Burden

Transparency and Control

Frequently Asked Questions

We're here to help! Find answers to common questions below.

Can I customize expiry alerts and reminders to suit our company's policies?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

What kinds of reports can I generate from

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

Our company is growing. Can scale with us?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

Does integrate with our existing HR software/payroll system?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

Can I set up SMS and email notifications directly from the platform?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

Do you offer different pricing tiers based on the size of my business?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

What is included in your support package?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.

Is there a free trial or demo available?

Yes! is designed to put you in control of your compliance management. Our system offers granular customization, including:

Customer-Specific Alert Settings:** Easily define unique alert timelines for each client or location you manage. This ensures you meet varying requirements or contractual obligations.

Expiry Type Customization:** Set different lead times for different types of expiries (passports, visas, work permits, insurance policies, etc.). Adapt alerts to match the urgency and renewal processes of each document type. Administrative Control:** A user-friendly admin interface allows you to swiftly configure and update alert settings as your policies or client needs evolve.